Adult Appointment Process
The adult appointment process begins when an adult decides they would like to volunteer as a Member of Scouting.
Adult Details may be captured on an Adult Application (AA) Form and entered into Compass. The Appointments Secretary will be alerted of a new application automatically.
Depending on the role applied for, the applicant may be invited to attend an Appointments Advisory Committee meeting. The meeting is about ensuring the applicant is aware of the responsibilities of the role they are taking on, make sure they understand and accept the values and policies of the Association, and to discuss their suitability for the role.
Although the order of these steps may differ, the steps below depict the procedures followed:
Complete Adult Application
Information entered into Compass
DBS Process
References requested from Referees
Appointments Advisory Committee Meeting with Applicant
AAC agree a Provisional Appointment
Getting Started Training – To be completed within 5 months
Presentation of Appointment Certificate
NB. Not all of these steps are appropriate for all roles.
The forms and other useful resources may be found in the links to the right-hand side of this page.
Review Process
Most people work better if they have, from time to time, the opportunity to discuss how they are doing and where they are going.
A review in Scouting is simply an opportunity to look at what has happened since someone started their role, or since their last review, and to see what further support and guidance they might need.
A formal review takes place at the end of an appointment, and an agreement is made over whether the individual’s appointment should be renewed, whether they should take on a different role, or whether they will retire.
You can download an Adult Review (AR) Form from the links to the right-hand side of this page.